The problem

Legacy aviation and Air Traffic Management information systems are not likely to support the modern ways of working and how you would expect to intuitively get access to and being presented with vital operational information. Data, which to a large extent is also being made available in electronic form and/or real-time data feeds, are not supported by the current information systems. Just as off-the-shelf content management systems do not supprt the ATM standards and safety requirements.

The solution

The Insero AviInfo solution is the new standard in aviation and ATM information and data management systems, making all relevant information available at your fingertips. The contemporary user interface, which is easily configurable to match the needs of all users/roles, supports fast, easy access to always current information in all situations.

The modern service-oriented server architecture and secure browser-based web applications scales to match your requirements and user platforms (computers, tablets, phones, ...). With support for all legacy and new file and data formats, including SWIM (AIXM/Digital NOTAMs, IWXXM, FIXM, ...) as well as industry standards/safety regulations, the digitalisation provided by Insero AviInfo leads you to a paperless and efficient environment.

Insero AviInfo

Insero AviInfo is the new standard in aviation and Air Traffic Management information and data management systems.

Intuitive and configurable information system

Insero AviInfo is designed to efficiently support the needs of all user roles in an open solution which harnesses all data types. Whether you are in the tower and quickly need to find relevant AIPs or emergency procedures, need to get the sector load presented visually, or have to import/validate and get new data through the configured approval flow, Insero AviInfo will support your needs.

A highly configurable user interface, widgets and dashboards allow authorised users to create role or even user specific interfaces for optimum efficiency.

Valid and verified digital aviation and ATM data

Insero AviInfo supports all data types, to support your needs for e.g. Aeronautical Information Management
(AIM), NOTAM, navigation, aids, maps (Incl. FIRs, significant points, locations, airports, obstacles, routes, tracks, etc.) as well as aerodromes, flight plans, all meteorological data, call signs, aircraft data, airport names, AIP/eAIP, procedures, or even the canteen lunch menu.

Already when receiving data from external sources, whether manual or automatic, the data is verified based
on configurable rules, Furthermore, each data element/set has e.g. validity and status associated with them, to support the control and management of data to ensure valid and correct data.

Easy access to all information

AviInfo easy and fast acces to all aviation/ATM information in a safe, modern digital solution

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Industry standard interfaces

IWith support for legacy and new file and data formats, including SWIM (AIXM/Digital NOTAMs, IWXXM, FIXM) and e.g. GRIB2, EAD, AFTN/AMHS, ASTERIX, data is easily made available in AviInfo, subject to configurable validation and verification processes. This includes real-time data from various sources such as radar, weather stations, and flight management systems.

System technology

Insero AviInfo provides an intuitive user interface and utilises secure browser-based/multi-device web  applications.

The fault tolerant, redundant server platform is a scalable service-oriented server architecture supporting
24/7 services, whether for physical, virtual or hosted systems.

Key features

Intuitive and configurable information system

Insero AviInfo is designed to efficiently support the need of all user roles in an open solution which harness all data types. Visualisation of data is a key concept.

Quick and efficient access to relevant data

Intuitive user interface, widgets, dashboards and simple/advanced search functions ensure easy access to all relevant information.

Customised user interface for optimum efficiency

The intuitive, modern, easy to use and flexible webbased user interface, ensures optimum efficiency for all user profiles.

Real time control and monitoring

Full system overview and operational status, including health status/alerts, is provided for computers/devices, services and interfaces.

Fully automatic or with manual interaction

Insero AviInfo provides a fully automated workflow for import/validation of data, but also the possibility for user validation/verification and workflows as required.

Modern system architecture for 24/7 operations

Fault tolerant, redundant and service-oriented server platform and secure browser-based web applications provides a flexible and future proof solution.

Based on industry standards and open data formats

With support for adopted data formats, including e.g. SWIM, GRIB2, EAD, AFTN/AMHS, ASTERIX, PDF, CSV and GeoJSON, data is easily available in AviInfo.

Standard interfaces

The standard interfaces (APIs) ensure cost-effective integration of relevant systems, and a high level of automation, which eases the burden on the users.

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